New top story on Hacker News: Ask HN: Jaded about the Internet?

Ask HN: Jaded about the Internet?
34 by legrande | 41 comments on Hacker News.
Are you jaded about The Internet? I've been online 20 years now and I feel like I've reached the pinnacle of what The Internet is about and have in a way reached the end of The Internet . I've seen just about everything you could want, and participated in many communities over the years, and I feel everything is just 'samey' now and follows the same pattern. It's hard for anything on The Internet to stand out and be unique (at least for me). YMMV on this. Now with Web3/NFTs/cryptocurrency people are building an abstraction layer on top of the web and want to decentralize all the things, which is good to see, but I want to see all that fleshed out properly before I dive into it and leverage it. This is the shiny thing I look forward to on the web, but it's still early days. Other than that, the web seems kinda boring lately. Are you jaded about the web too? I'd like to hear your thoughts!

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