New top story on Hacker News: Ask HN: Resources for getting started with bare-metal coding?

Ask HN: Resources for getting started with bare-metal coding?
8 by DATACOMMANDER | 0 comments on Hacker News.
Several years ago I bought a used copy of the original x86 manual and wrote a proof-of-concept OS. I’m interested in getting back into it, but with more of a focus on HPC and utilizing the more advanced features of modern architectures. Where should I start? Even back when I wrote my toy OS, the contemporary Intel manual was 10x the size of the original that I worked with. Does anyone even work with assembly anymore? (If not, how is software keeping up with hardware advances? Do newer low-level languages like Rust and Go really utilize the massive advances that have taken place?) My history: I’m a devops guy with about four years of experience in IT and about a year of experience writing Python at a professional level. My degree is in general mathematics, though I did best in the prob/stat courses (and enjoyed them more than the others). Side note: I wonder if I “33 bits”’d myself above...

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